Positive Psychology
Wellbeing Workshop
Reset for long-term resilience and Respond for positive growth


How do YOU manage challenges?

RESET your mindset, personal resilience resources, strengths and skills.


How do WE grow from this together?

RESPOND to your environment in new ways for positive team growth.

A Rethink+ workshop IS:

Encouraging resilience using positive psychological science.
Developing your strengths using research-backed interventions that are proven to enhance the happiness & wellbeing.

A Rethink+ workshop is NOT:

Reckless optimism.
Rejecting, denying, or displacing any acknowledgement of stress, negativity, or possible disabling features of trauma caused by the pandemic.
Reckless optimism. Rejecting, denying, or displacing any acknowledgement of stress, negativity, and possible disabling features of trauma or stress.

Get into it!

Rethink+ workshops use the science of happiness to improve team wellbeing and performance.


Our  people-centric approach introduces 10 Steps that all use research-backed Positive Psychology interventions that are proven to enhance the happiness of people’s lives.

Rethink+ provides a framework of how you and your team can take care of each other.

Positive Psychology?


Proper Wellbeing is here to put the mental health and wellbeing of your employees at the centre of your brand and make the most of your current working environment, whatever it may be.


We help to:
aid staff retention, cultivate resilience, identify individual character strengths and find positives since the beginning of the global pandemic.


In the past 2 years, mental health and wellbeing have been recognised as an important factors for getting the best out of people in all situations in and out of the workplace.


By promoting positive psychology in the workplace using: strengths based, benefit finding interventions we aim to improve the quality of team wellbeing and lives of employees.

The "good life"

PERMA is a model that represents the five ‘building blocks’ of wellbeing that make up the ‘good life’. It stands for Positive emotion,  Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievement. No element is more important than another yet all core to our happiness and wellbeing. PERMA applies to us personally, and can be put in to practice in the workplace successfully too to improve team wellbeing.

In the workplace?

Let’s take a moment to remember the past two years have caused a lot of collective trauma. Working from home, isolation, furlough – it’s no wonder work outcomes have wobbled.

Burn out (which is a stress injury) and staffing shortages are nothing new, but as this pandemic keeps on kicking butt, let’s try rethinking the current some solutions.

You may have tried upskilling your team communications methods by now and may still have issues with retaining top talent. Happier people are more productive, innovative and creative.

Finding out your personal and team strengths and practicing using them can help your company to thrive from the pandemic.

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Rethink+ is interactive, fun, full-on and split in two parts:
RESET - which has an individual focus &
RESPOND - for positive teams and connections.